Alice Finneran (She/Her), Art History, 2023

Eugene, OR on June 2022

Artist Statement:I felt that telling my story to myself was thought provoking and almost like a casual conversation for me.

When listening and viewing my literal voice, I hope others can reflect upon where pieces of their identity come from and feel joy in their growing and forever changing identity.

It's important for student voices to be heard as academic institutions are for students, therefore their voices should be heard.

Alice Finneran:My name is Alice Finneran.

My pronouns are She/Her. I'm a Junior.

The question I'm going to answer is: What

role does community play in your identity?

I come from Oklahoma and my community there impacts

how my identity is displayed here in Oregon.

But I've also been in Oregon for

five years and built my own community.

And that community has also impacted my identity

and how it is displayed in other communities.

And so I feel like in a really positive way,

that my identity is collaged by all the communities that

I've been a part of, even if they're like, Southern

communities or like, Pacific Northwest like communities.

So, yeah, I just feel like my identity is a

big collage of the communities I've been a part of.