Artist Statement:My experience in telling my story was good. In a way talking about yourself that deeply feels like a foreign concept. But in a way something about it was therapeutic. Even if it was just talking into a phone.
When others are listening and viewing my literal voice, I hope they feel a sense of normality and relatability as I feel like I am a pretty normal person and the hardships I face are most likely ones that others deal with too, even if not verbally expressed. I believe that hearing or seeing that can give ease to the mind.
In college you are seeking a higher level of thought and want to have a say in what you make and contribute towards. And in an academic setting sometimes those emotions and thoughts are compressed by your peers. So the ability to have a voice is a powerful notion to most.
So I'm gonna be answering.
How did you overcome challenges you have faced due to assumptions people have made about you?
I think as an artist and as a designer,
people may make a lot of assumptions about you.
I'm just a white guy from Boulder, Colorado.
I'm very loose in the things that I do, very carefree.
And I think at times maybe people make assumptions.
I don't put a lot of thought behind the
decisions I make as a designer or even the
decisions that I make in everyday life.
Maybe it's just like things are handed to me.
I think in a lot of ways that's not
true, but I try to look past that.